Since I became a member of HFGC I never saw or heard that our committee is consulted or involved in any stage of preparing what you called CCHP. This, in turn, created opportunities for programme participants to advocate for more accessible services for women [27]. Oakley P, Kahssay H. Community involvement in health development: an overview. Webthe factors leading to poor community participation in development projects. Despite such awareness, they were unable to explain or clarify it well. Health Policy Plan. Paxman JM, Sayeed A, Buxbaum A, Huber SC, Stover C. The India local initiatives program: a model for expanding reproductive and child health services. As regards the implementation of the planned activities in the CCHP, the study found that the lower level health facilities staff are not aware of the annual facility budget, district budget, annual planned activities and even the action plans for implementing various activities in the CCHP. The majority of the respondents reported that they had never heard of CCHP. Geneva: WHO; 1999. p. 319. One CHMT member said: CCHP is an annual activity plan for health sector developed by involving various stakeholders who also participate in its implementation. Workshop Paper 11, Institutional and economic perspectives on government capacity to assume new roles in the health sector: a review of experience, in University of Birmingham series The Role of Government in Adjusting Economies Paper 4, UK, November 1995, Making it work! A respondent from the dispensary governing committee said: the existing system of information sharing between CHMT and HFGCs is not adequate. Bhutta ZA, Soofi S, Cousens S, Mohammad S, Memon ZA, Ali I, et al. Factors affecting effective community participation in maternal and newborn health programme planning, implementation and quality of care interventions,, Health programme planning and implementation,,,, Factors that affect implementation of health promotion interventions for maternal and newborn health in low- and middle-income countries, I know. Culturally-appropriate materials in local languages are needed that are suitable for a range of literacy and numeracy skills for programmes where community members participate in analysis of health data as a basis for decision-making and action [14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 28]. This is the only chance for us to discuss issues related to health plan and expenditure of Community Health Fund and user fees. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! The current policy on management of Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres is Respondents reported lack of a specific budget in the Council Health Plan for financing HFGC activities. Thus, this study aimed at exploring factors that hinder Community Participation in Developing and Implementing CCHP. This contributed to the failure of the committee to function as per government guidelines. The site is secure. There are 53 lower level health facilities (health centers and dispensaries). The existence of a school community is very important in order to promote effective education, it aims to mobilize and improve the quality of education in accordance with the needs of the community. -. This is consistent with the findings from other studies (10, 18) which reported that lack of awareness about community participation contributes to low participation of community members in developing and implementing various health projects. The analysis of the factors influencing community participation in the development and implementation of CCHP has generated five main categories, which explain why it has been difficult for participatory organs at the community level to participate fully in the planning and implementation process of health activities in these areas. The SURE Collaboration. Moreover, this study found that the HFGCs did not conduct their scheduled quarterly meetings as per the CHSB's establishment tool of 2001. The majority of participants had heard about community participation and they associated it with empowerment or involvement of the community in health activities or programs as narrated by some respondents from governing committees of both dispensaries and health centers: Aaah! PubMed Central In this regard, the HFGC members claimed that after their appointment as members of the committees they never received any capacity building training concerning roles, responsibilities, and management in general. However, Tables 2 and 3 provide the reader with specific details about which factors were reported in each study. Priority setting for health in the context of devolution in Kenya: implications for health equity and community-based primary care. Cureus. Similar findings were reported in other studies (9, 3136), which noted that lack of capacity building programs contribute to inactiveness of different workers in performing their roles and responsibilities. This is because currently they are planning and managing everything for us. Community participation measures grouped into 3 factors: social community participation, physical community participation, and vocational involvement. WebTherefore, this study examines critical factors that hinder farmers participation in agricultural research in Ethiopia. 2022 May 1;14(5):e24643. Soc Sci Med. PubMed Community participation in health planning in Nova Scotia. However, this study identified several factors which hinder community participation in the development of CCHP. WHO. Womens low status appears to have influenced how community priorities were set, how decisions were made at the household level, and also influenced womens level of participation. Sometimes, however, volunteers were expected to take on too many tasks and thus could not complete all of them well [14]. It was learnt that lack of autonomy at the lower level health facilities in controlling budget and their annual plans has partly contributed to the failure of HFGC to manage properly the collection of user fees and CHF. A total of 18 key informants were interviewed for this study. In Nepal, where young people participated to try to improve reproductive health, community members and, in particular, young people, felt a strong enough sense of ownership over the project to demand accountability from the implementation team. Health Policy Plan. 2015 Mar 29;15:75. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0501-8. u~)mCXuMQx d>(\Y~\S I6.!&5~j"Jy0>LpmR8N8{V@0Q#q HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Resource constraints also presented challenges to effective implementation [14, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21]. Rosato M, Laverack G, Grabman LH, Tripathy P, Nair N, Mwansambo C, et al. A complete guide for practitioners. When Lessons from community participation in health programmes, Power to the people : evidence from a randomized field experiment on community-based monitoring in Uganda. PubMed Central Projects with people: the practice of participation in rural development. In the process of explaining (individual interviews), discussing (focus group discussions) and collectively evaluating (community conversation) community participation in the CHPS programme, different views and perspectives, pertaining to how community participation was applied in the programme, were inevitably raised. 13, Decentralization and health care prioritization process in Tanzania: from national rhetoric to local reality, Community participation in local health boards in a decentralized setting: cases from Philippines, The impact of health centre committees on health equity in Zimbabwe, Health policy planning: a look at consumer involvement in Nova Scotia, Power to the people: evidence from a randomized field experiment on community-based monitoring in Uganda. The aim of this study was to investigate Springer Nature. Objective: To conduct a stream All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. Anastasia Gakuru Bjorkman M, Svendsson J. Factors affecting effective community participation in maternal and newborn health programme planning, implementation and quality of care interventions. EGK reviewed the literature, conducted interviews, transcribed the audio-recorded conversations, analyzed data, and prepared the first draft of the manuscript. Two studies reported that having trained staff in health facilities and upgrading the quality of care helped facilitate work with communities [13, 14]. WebFactors affecting the management of women income generating projects in Kikuyu division of Kiambu district Factors hindering community participation in the development of ECD Barbey (2001) indicates that health system leadership at the district and facility levels is key to quality improvement efforts [17]. Psychological or cognitive traits 2. Laverack G, Labonte R. A planning framework for community empowerment goals within health promotion. In a study from Peru, the authors noted that it was important to attend to both the personal needs of community members as well as ensure adequate medical quality [28]. As the programme evolved, however, the study authors report that community awareness grew: both about the nature of the challenges and how they could help by working together. %PDF-1.5 Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. The studies themselves attribute the following positive outcomes to participation strategies: increased community awareness of danger signs and complications [15, 16, 24]; an increase in appropriate care-seeking [12, 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23, 25, 26, 30]; improved transport to services, either through financial support being made available after community meetings, or because of increased awareness through educational materials, or broader programme activities [15, 16, 20,21,22,23,24]; and creating a process for community members to use health data to identify and address barriers to survival [15,16,17,18,19, 23, 25]. They further reported that a classical issue in decentralization is lack of capacity characterized by insufficient human resources, inadequate training, and poor management as well as insufficient management system and procedure. For example, working in a setting in which there is a very low level of trust among members of the community is likely to require a great deal more time and effort spent on building trust before meaningful engagement in joint programme planning can take place. A gender roles analysis study in China advocated a gender rights focus as a way to help raise community awareness about inequities in womens access to services and other opportunities, making the case for womens participation in bottom up planning processes in resource-poor settings where womens status is low to better inform decision-makers about womens needs and views [27]. No funding or benefits were received from elsewhere to conduct this study. Formal permission in the district was obtained from District Executive Director and DMOs, Wards Executive Officer, and Villages Executive Officer. MeSH Community participation; Health programme planning and implementation; Maternal and newborn health; Quality improvement. endobj Social environment 3. Studies also reported reduced absenteeism [25, 26], reduced drug stock-outs [19, 26], reduced waiting time [26], better examination procedures [26], improved facility infrastructure and equipment [19, 25, 27] and reduced use of untrained providers [25] as well as generally improved quality of care [17, 18]. Results: Community participation ranged from outreach educational activities to communities being full partners in decision-making. In general, implementation considerations were underreported. Purdin S, Khan T, Saucier R. Reducing maternal mortality among afghan refugees in Pakistan. (KI 15: in-charge of dispensary). Google Scholar. The site is secure. Over time, the members of the community began to value collective responsibility and action [22, 23]. Key facilitators of community participation included supportive policy and funding environments where communities see womens health as a collective responsibility; linkages with a functioning health system e.g. Stakeholder committees in Bangladesh were reported to be generally acceptable, with the strongest committees recognizing they could apply their strengthened problem-solving skills to other issues beyond health, and saying that they appreciated programme staff assistance in how they motivated committees to come up with their own solutions [18]. Social participation, leisure activities and the use of social networks could be key factors in the social inclusion of young unaccompanied migrants and their transition to adult life. Starting from the categories within the broad SURE framework the authors identified further, specific themes of interest from the primary empirical data presented in the included articles and from the author discussion and conclusions from those articles. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Various reviews and World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines have highlighted the importance of community participation for improved health [5,6,7,8,9]. Authors provided very little information on the process of participation, what motivated different community members to participate, and how their participation contributed to successful outcomes. Communities were involved in designing programmes from the beginning in only two cases [19,20,21]; in four programmes, communities provided input on interventions [25,26,27,28]; and in seven, programme teams designed the programme and chose the interventions. We conducted a secondary analysis, using the Supporting the Use of Research Evidence framework, of effectiveness studies identified through systematic literature reviews of two community participation interventions; quality improvement of maternity care services; and maternal and newborn health programme planning and implementation. WHO recommendations on health promotion interventions for maternal and newborn health. doi: 10.1093/heapol/13.1.1. Under section 86A of Act No 7, 1982, Prime Ministers Office Regional Administration and Local Government, Summary of an assessment of comprehensive council health plans 2010/11 and third quarter (January March 2011), The interview is a conversation with a purpose, School of Health & Social Services, Massey University, Understanding mechanisms for integrating community priorities in health planning, resource allocation and service delivery: results from a literature review: EQUINET Discussion Paper No. Another member of CHMT provided an additional explanation as to why there was low involvement of HFGC members in the CCHP development process: The real situation is that involvement of HFGC in developing the CCHP is still low due to the fact that the health facility plan and CCHP are required to be developed in English; therefore if you look at the composition of the HFGC members, with exception of in-charges of health facility, other members have Primary Level of Education. MeSH However, the supportive supervision checklist used by CHMT to supervise health facilities does not provide room for discussing issues relating to CCHP. Health Policy Plan. Community participation ranged from outreach educational activities to communities being full partners in decision-making. This study concludes that HFGCs are potentially instrumental organs to participate in the development of facility plans and CCHP. Poor communication and lack of financial and technical resources on both sides (public health sector and community) can limit communities and service providers ability to meet, which can limit the effectiveness of such partnerships in improving healthcare [19, 22, 23]. Although the Government of Tanzania has made great efforts to reform the health care system by developing comprehensive policies and guidelines, there are still challenges in terms of accountability, community voice, information reporting, and feedback. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. World Health Organization, UNICEF. Thus, relevant aspects are analysed regarding the community bonding that shapes young peoples transition to adulthood and the influence the protection system, LKv Guijt I, Kaulshah M. The myth of community, gender issues in participatory development. Int J Health Policy Manag. %PDF-1.4 Other important measures include improving supportive supervision from the CHMT to facility level, ensuring proper dissemination of official documents related to HFGC and CCHP, allocation of financial resources to facilitate HFGC activities, and ensuring that newly elected HFGCs members are well prepared through orientation programs for members to understand their roles and responsibilities. An evaluation of a community-based approach to safe motherhood in northwestern Tanzania. Ahluwalia IB, Robinson D, Vallely L, Gieseker KE, Kabakama A. Sustainability of community-capacity to promote safer motherhood in northwestern Tanzania: what remains? bottom-up planning approach in the development and implementation of CCHPs. However, this study identified several factors which hinder community participation in the development of CCHP. These include: lack of aware- In Indonesia, the SIAGA social mobilization project intentionally built on the traditional value of collective help (gotong royong) as the foundation for their alert community campaign. This is the reason common people of Pakistan feel secluded from political process. Many governing bodies do not exist in some councils, and where they exist, they are just symbolic as they do not fully fulfill their roles and responsibilities (8, 9). Political participation is citizens right but many social factors hinder political participation. Careers. In-depth interviews with key informants were found to be suitable for the study because it sought to explore the views and experiences of those who are directly dealing with planning and implementation of health facilities and council health plans. We identified the following factors to consider when supporting community participation programmes: Enabling or not-so-enabling environment the extent to which political will, community awareness and sentiment, policies and available resources are supportive of maternal and newborn health and community participation; Community leadership and governance characterized by stability and strength of local leadership, the extent to which marginalized voices are represented in decision-making and whether and how to work with existing structures; Community management capacity to leverage and manage resources, use data for decision-making and for planning, monitoring, and accountability; Community and health system capacity to interact including the roles and relationships that community health workers, NGOs and others can play to link communities and health systems, and the use of regularly scheduled effective processes that use key questions to drive constructive dialogue; and. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Kumar S. London: ITDG; 2002. Lisa Howard-Grabman. However, the education system in Kenya has not favored women. WebSelf-determination is another essential principle that should be encouraged during community development, as self-determination supports individuals to having the rights The key informants from HFGC pointed out that the higher-level authority does not disseminate important information for developing and implementing facility plans and CCHP to health centers and dispensary committees. Report of the International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata, USSR; 612 September; Geneva: WHO; 1978. Materials and methods: Factors that hindered community participation included lack of awareness on the CCHP among HFGC members, poor communication and information sharing between CHMT and HFGC, unstipulated roles and responsibilities of HFGC, lack of management capacity among HFGC members, and lack of financial resources for implementing HFGC activities. The findings revealed that almost all HFGC members had not been oriented or trained on their roles and responsibilities. (KI 8: in-charge of dispensary). 23968. We analysed the studies included in systematic reviews of published and unpublished grey literature used to inform WHO health promotion guidelines for maternal and newborn health [10]. Rifkin SB. In China, a rural health insurance scheme was introduced which allowed local officials to decide on which services would be covered. Before Draper AK, Hewitt G, Rifkin S. Chasing the dragon: developing indicators for the assessment of community participation in health programmes. Stakeholder dialogue in developing culturally-acceptable childbirth services in Peru was reported to have helped create mutual understanding between communities and service providers and the new services developed as a result were hailed as a success locally [28]. A village is a largest subdivision of a ward. 2011;377(9763):40312. Do Management and Leadership Practices in the Context of Decentralisation Influence Performance of Community Health Fund? >> Accessibility s\1plI3M4wC&,1u &Bt{L?c>A]g]5Akp;_@UvGcNu0)Sej~Q!oBn$>nY$1&$Dq!dULa'TTMo}Tyw~v We use cookies to improve your website experience. The communities were then asked to adapt and implement them [13,14,15,16,17,18, 22,23,24]. 2004. International Center for Research on Woman. Decentralization of public health planning is proposed to facilitate public participation in health issues. 2010;71(6):11021109. Oakley P, Kahssay H. Community involvement in health development: an overview. They also did not discuss certain key details that could inform implementation of programmes in the future, for instance, which theoretical or pedagogical approach(es) they used, the particular roles that community and programme team members played in the learning process or how these roles may or may not have changed over time as community capacity grew and environmental conditions changed. London: Intermediate Technology; 1995. pp. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Communities and health services may face challenges in coming together to plan and implement programmes. +GPQOasu-+}q_y>!G0 0=>y Ct-`,abz@x1@*D`^$fkV8w$ oq)I'wpB,AHQ .kQ H@Epe 7$d|'~v2b}+`V,hdh_DQ \/4. What I know is that the CHMT usually involves the lower health facilities staff in the CCHP preparation but the problem is that the HFGC members are not aware of what is going on due to the fact that they have never been oriented or trained on health planning. Lessons from community participation in health programmes: a review of the post Alma-Ata experience. Therefore, community members are expected to play an important role in developing local health plans through the established facility boards and committees. Furthermore, lack of funds for conducting training programs, lack of uniformity in the procedure of appointing members of HFGC, and negative attitude of CHMT toward strengthening the HFGC to perform their duties have also contributed to lack of management capacity especially planning skills among HFGC members. quality of basic education in primary schools. Cookies policy. The methods for the review are described in the WHO document. Training Resources Group, Inc., 4301 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, VA, 22203, USA, Institute of Health and Society, Department of Community Medicine and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, P.O. One respondent had the following to say: The doctor in charge informed me that I was one of the members of the HFGC but as far as I could remember, I never applied or contested for this post. The framework includes a comprehensive list of barriers and facilitators to implementing health systems interventions including stakeholder knowledge and attitudes, health service delivery factors, and social and political considerations. The interviews were performed by two interviewers in Kiswahili to reduce language barriers. Marston C, Renedo A, McGowan CR, Portela A. WebPredisposing factors for participation ranged from patients' beliefs and past experiences to demographic characteristics such as gender and age. 2009;124(2):73569. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Kaufman J, Liu Y, Fang J. Administratively it has five divisions, 30 wards, 96 villages, 356 hamlets, and 66,618 households. These include: lack of awareness among HFGC members; lack of awareness on the roles and responsibilities of HFGC; poor means of communication and information sharing between CHMT and HFGC, lack of management capacity of members of HFGC, and lack of financial resources for HFGC activities in their respective areas. This situation led to establishment of structures with no real mandate. un-implementable or end up being partially implemented. We extracted data from 16 studies that could shed light on factors influencing implementation using an adapted SURE (Supporting the Use of Research Evidence) framework [12]. Effects of decentralization on the functionality of health facility governing committees in lower and middle-income countries: a systematic literature review. Similarly, in India husbands were reluctant to participate in maternal health interventions, describing maternal health as a womens issue. Study authors reported, It was clear that efforts to make husbands more supportive questioned deep-rooted norms and beliefs, and met with considerable resistance; consequently, husbands were slow to change their views. [27]. , Memon ZA, Ali I, et al factors hindering community participation Kenya has not favored...., Tables 2 and 3 provide the reader with specific details about which factors reported! Social community participation in health planning is proposed to facilitate public participation health! Implementation and quality of care interventions informants were interviewed for this study found that the did. 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