56% of individual care plans were not up to date, personalised or holistic. Let's make care better together. The trust recognised this was not an appropriate target and was working with commissioners to negotiate a more appropriate target. The community healthcare services provided by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust were judged to be good. Staff were not always recording room and fridge temperatures in clinical rooms and out of date nutrional supplement drinks had not been appropriately disposed of. Administrative staff had not received specific mental health awareness training to assist them when taking calls for people who were acutely unwell and in crisis. Risk management in services required improvement. The HBPoS did not have designated staff provided by the trust. Patients waiting for their appointment in the specialist community mental health services for children and young people used a shared waiting room with the learning disabilities adults services. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) provides a range of community health, mental health and learning disability services for people of all ages. Patient outcomes for people using trust services were very good and the trust was able to demonstrate that their services had a positive impact through good data collection and review mechanisms. Our observations during inspection confirmed that staff knowledge and practical application of their knowledge was inconsistent despite training on their electronic learning systems. There was an effective duty system in place to provide rapid access to support. There were different recording systems in place, for example paper records and electronic records, different professional kept separate files. PIER staff reported having good links with universities and colleges regarding students needing early intervention services. We were aware the local commissioning groups had not set targets for wait times. Five of the six services in this core service were in breach of these targets. Safeguarding was a high priority with regular safeguarding reviews within each area of speciality and established systems for supporting staff dealing with distressing situations. People we spoke with said they had received a good service. We remain concerned that a significant period had passed and the trust had not improved access to psychology for patients and staff. 100% of staff were trained in how to safeguard children from harm. Managers did not successfully cascade information down to all ward staff in acute mental health services. The trust had addressed the issues regarding the health based place of safety identified in the previous inspection. We did not inspect the following areas of this core service: We did not rate this service at this inspection. Wards had high numbers of hydraulic style patient beds that were a risk to patients with histories of self-harming behaviour. Patients were frequently not discharged when ready due to transport problems or difficulties putting care packages in place. Make a difference with a career at LPT. Patients had access to advocacy. While staffing numbers were usually maintained, there was a high reliance on agency and bank staff to achieve this. Staff did not always feel connected to the wider trust. The service had not delivered timely care to a significant number of patients. HBPoS and crisis resolution and home treatment (CRHT) team toilets were not visibly clean. It has been developed within the context of the area we serve in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and the new Integrated Care Partnership. There was a strong, person-centred culture. Apply. We saw an example of an SI investigation and also action taken from lessons learnt. Staff demonstrated commitment to delivering high quality end of life care for their patients. The trust was told to address the arrangements for eliminating dormitories at our last inspection in 2018 and work had started on one ward in March 2021. Staff said this made them feel safe whilst visiting patients at home or whilst undertaking activities with patients in the community. The trust had systems for staff to raise any concerns confidentially. Staff had been trained with regards to duty of candour and in line with the trust policy. Admission to the unit was agreed with commissioners. Serious incidents were thoroughly investigated and outcomes and lesson learnt were discussed in a variety of clinical governance meetings. In 3Rubicon Close, it was not clear that information about providing physiotherapy to a patient had been communicated to all staff. The adult community therapy team did not meet agreed waiting time targets. There were appropriate arrangements in place for the safe management of medicines. The people who used services, carers and relatives we spoke with were all positive about the service they received. 30 April 2018. Staff working within criminal justice and liaison services and triage teams had good morale and worked well with internal and external colleagues. Staff did not record seclusion well. Comprehensive assessments were being carried out and information was stored securely, except for one location and arrangements were in place to address this. Wards employed additional healthcare support workers to meet patient needs when needed. Apply. The trust could not ensure continuity of care for these patients. Improvements were needed to make them safer, including reducing ligatures, improving lines of sight and ensuring the safety and dignity of patients. Staff responded to patients needs discreetly and respectfully. This was because the EDU batch refer sending four or five referrals at a time rather than when they arrive. Some wards and community teams did not store or manage medicines safely. The trust mostly used surveys to gain feedback and we saw limited evidence of face to face engagement with patients about service delivery and improvement. there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. Staff knew the vision and values of the trust and agreed with these. The medical and senior leadership provision within the looked after children service did not meet the professional requirements outlined in the intercollegiate document for this provision. the service is performing exceptionally well. Plans were shared with family and carers. Staff were adequately supported and debriefed following incidents and could access further support if required. One review was in response for the delivery of actions for the 2018 CQC inspection. Two patients discharges were delayed at The Agnes Unit because the commissioners could not find specialist placements. Save job - Click to add the job to your shortlist. This impacted on patients requiring care. Employees also rated Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust 3.1 out of 5 for work life balance, 3.6 for culture and values and 3.7 for career opportunities. Inadequate Regular team meetings took place and staff told us that they felt supported by colleagues. New positions such as medicines administration assistants and link nurses to support wards were in place in certain areas, but ward staff still described irregular pharmacy visits and a lack of pharmacy oversight in medicines management. This included labelling, disposal, reconciliation and ward level audit. The trust confirmed community hospital staff were expected to undertake four clinical supervision sessions across the year. Staff in four of the five services we inspected did not document patient involvement in their care. Target times had been set but the speed of response to referrals was not analysed and used to determine whether they were meeting targets. Overall community hospital occupancy rates for March 2015 were 94%, which reflected bed pressures in the local region. We rated the caring domain for the community health families, young people and children service as outstanding due to staff approaches to family and patient care utilising or creating tools to assist children to understand their condition or prepare for treatment. We rated Leicestershire Partnership NHS trust as requires improvement because: Environmental risks in the Health Based Place of Safety (HBPoS) identified in our previous inspection remained. 22 June 2022, Published Records were stored securely and well managed by staff to ensure that sensitive information about patients was protected. Staff were not meeting the trusts target compliance rate for annual appraisals and mandatory training. Staff and carers said that when a patient was discharged, it was difficult to allocate them to a community CAMHS worker. The trust had well-developed audits in place to monitor the quality of the service. Wards for people with dementia had dementia-friendly elements; particularly the activity rooms and there was commitment to build on this. The CRHT team did not have lockable bags to transport medication to patients homes; staff told us they transported medication in their handbags. The summary of this service appears in the overall summary of this report. There were robust lone working procedures in place. Patient records were electronic, up to date and available to the multidisciplinary team to enable an integrated approach to care and treatment. ", "I have developed so many new skills over the years working in the NHS, going from a healthcare assistant to a nursing associate. The electronic prescribing system which the trust had implemented supported the safe administration of medicines to patients, with staff reporting very few medication errors as a result of this. Governance structures were in place and risks registers were reviewed regularly. Staff treated people who used the service with respect, listened to them and were compassionate. Some seclusion rooms had environmental concerns at Belvoir and Griffinunits, and Watermead wards. We found out of date and non-calibrated equipment located within a cupboard in the health-based place of safety. Mobility and healthcare equipment took up space in The Gillivers and 3Rubicon Close. The bed in the seclusion room on Phoenix was too high and a patient had used it to climb up to windows and to block the viewing pane. View more Profession Occupational Therapist Grade Band 5 Contract Type Permanent Hours Full Time. Staff provided patients and carers with information in a way that they understood.At City West, City East, and South Leicestershire patients and their carers reported outstanding and good care. The principles will normally apply but will be balanced by inspection teams using their discretion and professional judgement in the light of all of the available evidence. At this inspection we found compliance levels with this type of training were still below the trusts target. Staff were up to date with mandatory training. We spoke with six patients who all told us that the staff were very kind and looked after them well. The trust needs to take steps to improve the quality of their services and we found that they were in breach of seven regulations. Care plans reviewed were not personalised, holistic or recovery orientated. Patients were full of praise for staff and the care and support they offered. Patients knew how to formally complain and could attend daily community meetings where they could raise any issues of concern. The feedback from patients and relatives was mainly positive about the staff providing care for them. They are: o We focus on what matters most. The trust had a culture of promoting staff learning and development and encouraged staff to share best practice and innovation. We rated the trust overall for well-led as inadequate. Bathrooms and toilets were specified for which gender depending on who was resident at the unit at the time. New systems were in place for staff to report any repairs or maintenance issues. A programme of work was due to start in forthcoming months, for wards yet to be refurbished. The trust had set safe staffing levels and these were followed in practice. The service used a computer record system that differed from the rest of the trust. We do not put off making difficult decisions if they are the right decisions, We set common goals and we take responsibility for our part in achieving them, We give clear feedback and make sure that we communicate with one another effectively, We encourage and value other peoples ideas, We recognise peoples achievements and celebrate success. Staffing numbers were met but not always the right skill mix. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Location Loughborough Salary 27,055 to 32,934 a year Closing date 13 Jan 2023. Two external governance reviews had been commissioned and undertaken. Beaumont ward did not have a poster displayed around informal patients and rights as a patient had ripped it down. Staff used "my care plan" documents to obtain patients views on their care. Risk assessments were completed and care plans implemented to keep patients safe and promote wellbeing. We carried out this unannounced inspection of Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust because at our last inspection we rated two mental health services provided by this trust as inadequate, four mental health services and one community health service as requires improvement. Patients could approach staff at night to request them. The service was not effective. Download full inspection report for - PDF - (opens in new window), Published specialist community mental health services for children and young people. There was clear evidence that staff learnt from incidents and had forums for information exchange to occur as and when needed. Staff told us they will move to a new electronic system in July 2015 which will be the same as other areas in the trust. Patients reported they were treated with dignity and respect. There was a good working relationship between the Mental Health Act (MHA) administration team and the wards, community teams and the executive team. Patients and their carers were not involved in care planning and care programme approach (CPA) reviews. Staff were provided with relevant information to care for patients safely. There were key performance indicators set for time from referral to assessment and where these were not being addressed action had been taken. The matron opened some vault windows via a remote. Clinical supervision was not taking place regularly across the service. The electronic data held by the trust was currently being validated with large numbers of visit records not closed on the database. The trust was not meeting its target rate of 85% for clinical supervision. We talk to patients, the public and colleagues about what matters most to them and we do not assume that we know best. There were examples of people not being seen within service guidelines whilst receiving large doses of prescribed medication. The trust had made significant improvements to develop a strengthened vision and strategy. Our rating of this service improved. One patient told us there wasnt enough to do at the Willows. Within the end of life service there were inconsistencies in the quality of completion for do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) forms, in the quality of admission paperwork within medical records and in the use of the Last Days of Life care plans. This meant board members were not able to monitor the trusts assertions that there were strong systems and processes in place for identifying and reporting serious incidents, including deaths, or monitoring whether reviews and investigations were completed fully. Staff told us that the trust were recruiting for their vacancies and they hoped to have a full complement of staff in the coming months. Our values are Compassion, Respect, Integrity and Trust, which we keep at the heart of everything we do. All assessment rooms had good visibility. We could not find records for seclusion or evidence of regular reviews taking place as per trust policy. Outcomes of care and treatment were not always consistently or robustly monitored. Staff were very caring and sensitive to patients needs. There was a risk that young people may not get assessed out of hours in a timely manner by staff with CAMHS experience. Nursing staff had large caseloads. Home - Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Creating high quality, compassionate care and wellbeing for all. Staff were dedicated and passionate about the work that they undertook. There was limited time available for staff to attend specialist courses to enhance their knowledge. Staff worked with both internal and external agencies to coordinate care and discharge plans. Staff in some services completed care plans with detailed information on allergies, and risks around medication. Staff morale on Griffin ward was low due to the announcement of the wards closure upon the completion of works on Phoenix ward. Staff did not always use the Mental Health Act and the accompanying Code of Practice correctly. The old kitchen at the Willows was not fit for purpose and poorly equipped but was being used by occupational therapy. We rated wards for older people with mental health problems as good because: The wards complied with the Department of Health 2015 guidelines on single sex accommodation. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Location Leicester Salary 33,706 to 40,588 a year Closing date 22 Jan 2023. The integrated therapy and nursing teams and the primary care coordinators in conjunction with the night service had clear focus on keeping patients safe and well in their own homes. The trust had made improvements to the clinical environments since the last CQC inspection. While the board and senior management had a vision with strategic objectives in place, staff did not feel fully engaged in the improvement agenda of the trust. Staff provided psychological therapies as recommended by NICE such as group work and cognitive behavioural therapy. We found multiple internal waiting lists where the longest wait for young people was 108 weeks. Smoking cessation had been successful across most wards in the Bradgate Mental Health Unit.The trust had re-drafted the smoke free policy following on patient and staff consultation. ", John Barnes, Charge Nurse, LD Short Breaks, "I really enjoy the human interaction on a daily basis - with colleagues, patients, relatives. Staff morale appeared low. Wards had good evidence of multi-disciplinary team working, enabling staff to share information about patients and review their progress. Staffing levels were below the expected level. the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. Following the national withdrawal of the Liverpool Care Pathway the trust has developed an alternative care plan; however this has not yet been implemented. They were supported to have training to help them to develop additional skills and expertise. Staff showed high levels of motivation and morale, felt part of a positive team and felt well supported and trained. People using the service may not be able to get the speed of telephone response they needed in a crisis. The paperwork was difficult to find and not consistent. The Health Trust HIV/AIDS Services program delivers groceries to homebound seniors and adults throughout Santa Clara County. Many staff we spoke with knew who their chief executive was and mentioned them by name. Staff considered and supported patients with their physical health needs in CRHT and the liaison mental health triage service. Been set but the speed of response to referrals was not fit for purpose and equipped! 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